Sunday, May 27, 2007

RSS Feeds - Week 4, #8

This week I looked at my Bloglines account. I had already set one up a year or so ago. I had feeds for David Warlick's 2 Cents Worth, for Dilbert, and for Librarian's Index to the Internet (LII). David always seems to inspire me and I wanted to keep up with him. Dilbert often seems to be lurking in my school, not just in his phantom business world. Someday, if you see me at a conference, I'll share my favorite Dilbert with you about a strategic plan, no budget and PowerPoints - he has to be talking about categorical funding!

Completing this exercise gave me so much to read about this useful tool and just in time. It is very helpful to keep track of all of the interesting sites and tools we are discovering while we complete SL 2.0. It would be impossible to deal with all of the helpful information I am finding without Bloglines, my tags, and tabs in Firefox.

I discovered Clipping in while working on this, and it's a great tool to save things collected on Bloglines. I also made my Blog roll public and you can find it here.

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