Thursday, May 17, 2007

Week One, #1 & #2

Hi to all! I am excited about this online adventure. I have tried some of these 2.0 tools, but not really learned to use them in the ways they could maximize learning in my library.

7 1/2 Habits was good. I have now become a half Mac, half PC person. I just realized, if you count my PC at school in the library, I'm a 2/5 Mac and 3/5 PC person. Ha! I am using the Macbook right now, and it involves a learning curve for me, but it's part of life long learning for me.

Goal setting and planning are the hardest habits for me to stick to. I don't necessarily like some things to change, but if they are changing, I want it to happen now and not necessarily want to wait for each step of a long range plan or even make a long range plan.

Accepting responsibility for my own learning is an easy habit for me, and frankly, participating in this activity is playing for me. What a bonus that I'm going to develop some tools to make my library teaching more effective.

1 comment:

Jackie S, 2.0 project manager said...

Welcome to School Library Learning 2.0, LibraryMum! Enjoy the adventure!